「Home Security」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Home Security」(2013/06/23 (日) 14:31:52) の最新版変更点



**Home Security Here are quests which focus almost entirely on the aspects of the game which showcase defense options. These generally appear as structures become available, or as expansions are planned to require more effort to defend. The missions are slightly segregated from gameplay as placing defensive structures does not stop Raiders from infiltrating on your land, but it will help to prevent those on your friends list from occupying critical buildings. >&bold(){フロイドにトーチカを} トーチカの建設 報酬:250経験値 Next Mission:再びリコイル・リッジへ(手榴弾兵の育成も終わらせること) >&bold(){石造りの家} バンカーの建設 報酬: 250経験値 Next Mission: Stone and Troops - Part 2 >&bold(){Stone and Troops - Part 2} Add 1 Unit to the Bunker. Reward: 250 XP >&bold(){Homeland Security - Part 1} Unlocked at Level 13 Build 2 Bunkers Reward: 750 XP Next Mission: Homeland Security - Part 2 >&bold(){Homeland Security - Part 2} Garrison 8 troops inside the Bunkers Reward: 750 XP Next Mission: Metal Tower Intellectual >&bold(){Metal Tower Intellectual} Build 1 Cannon Tower Reward: 750 XP >&bold(){Some Men Left Behind} Build 1 Garrison Build 1 Blockhouse Reward: 3250 XP Next Mission: Strange Bedfellows - Part 1 >&bold(){Watchdogs} Garrison 40 units Note: This mission can be completed by repeatedly garrisoning and removing a small number of units since each re-add will increment the counter. Reward: 1000 XP >&bold(){戸締まり用心(The War at Home)} Cover 80% of your buildings with defenses. Hint: Pillboxes can be used to fulfill this mission easily due to its low costs and fast build times (15m), but requires 1 worker per building. Bunkers and other garrisoned buildings only count toward the total if they hold any troops. Reward: 1000 XP
**Home Security Here are quests which focus almost entirely on the aspects of the game which showcase defense options. These generally appear as structures become available, or as expansions are planned to require more effort to defend. The missions are slightly segregated from gameplay as placing defensive structures does not stop Raiders from infiltrating on your land, but it will help to prevent those on your friends list from occupying critical buildings. >&bold(){フロイドにトーチカを} トーチカの建設 報酬:250経験値 Next Mission:再びリコイル・リッジへ(手榴弾兵の育成も終わらせること) >&bold(){石造りの家} バンカーの建設 報酬: 250経験値 Next Mission: Stone and Troops - Part 2 >&bold(){Stone and Troops - Part 2} Add 1 Unit to the Bunker. Reward: 250 XP >&bold(){Homeland Security - Part 1} Unlocked at Level 13 Build 2 Bunkers Reward: 750 XP Next Mission: Homeland Security - Part 2 >&bold(){Homeland Security - Part 2} Garrison 8 troops inside the Bunkers Reward: 750 XP Next Mission: Metal Tower Intellectual >&bold(){Metal Tower Intellectual} Build 1 Cannon Tower Reward: 750 XP >&bold(){Some Men Left Behind} Build 1 Garrison Build 1 Blockhouse Reward: 3250 XP Next Mission: Strange Bedfellows - Part 1 >&bold(){番犬(Watchdogs)} Garrison 40 units Note: This mission can be completed by repeatedly garrisoning and removing a small number of units since each re-add will increment the counter. Reward: 1000 XP >&bold(){戸締まり用心(The War at Home)} Cover 80% of your buildings with defenses. Hint: Pillboxes can be used to fulfill this mission easily due to its low costs and fast build times (15m), but requires 1 worker per building. Bunkers and other garrisoned buildings only count toward the total if they hold any troops. Reward: 1000 XP

