「The Raiders」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

The Raiders」(2013/06/17 (月) 16:27:14) の最新版変更点



*レイダー襲来 These quests are focused around the Raiders and how they interfere with the player's outpost's operation. The quests themselves weave in and out of focus, and don't always lead directly into the next one. Some quests have certain level requirements and other quest prerequisites. ---- #contents(fromhere) ---- **&u(){レイダーを追い払え} This is mostly just a tutorial for how range works in combat, and it is set against three Raider Grunts and a Raider Cannoneer. -レイダー偵察隊を叩く 報酬: 150 XP Next Mission:第2ラウンド開始! **&u(){第2ラウンド開始!} The battle here holds you against two Raider Grunts, two Raider Cannoneers, and Warlord Gantas. However, once his entourage is killed, Gantas will end the battle. Repel Warlord Gantas' "Visit" 報酬: 250 XP、戦闘で150 XP Next Mission:フロイドにトーチカを、手榴弾兵の育成 **&u(){再びリコイル・リッジへ} -リコイル・リッジに移動 Upon reaching Recoil Ridge, the player's army will be bolstered by the rest of the 95th Rifle Company. 報酬: 2 歩兵、1迫撃砲、1砲手、1突撃兵 Next Mission:助太刀いたす **&u(){助太刀いたす} -リコイル・リッジを訪問 -リコイル・リッジからレイダーを追い払う(x2) There are two groups of red-bordered Raider encounters. Village Raiders contain an easier group of Raiders, made easier with the inclusion of Sheriff Colt and Perkins. Gantas' Raiders has similar low-leveled Raiders, but includes Gantas himself, although unarmed. Lt Morgan and Ramsey join the player for this fight. Defeating all his troops will end this battle, but finishing off Gantas before defeating his troops will yield a nice bonus (228 SP, 1140 Gold). 報酬: 300 XP、300 XP(村にいるレイダーとのバトルで)、500 XP(ガンタスとのバトルで) A cinematic follows this mission, and introduces the NPC, Percival. Next Mission:実弾演習、パン工場の建設、偵察部隊を叩け、衛生兵! **&u(){偵察部隊を叩け} -レイダーを2回追い払う Raider groups called "Raider Scouts" appear, and tend to consist of a mix of Grunts and Cannon Recruits. 報酬: 250 XP、加えてバトルで10-50 XP **&u(){レイダーキッド?} Not a quest per se, but once the Bakery is up and running for the quest Build a Bakery, this encounter appears along the Outpost's borders. The Raiders are unarmed and are immune to Lt Morgan's attacks. Attacking them triggers the completion of this event. Reward: 250 XP (awarded discreetly), plus 50 Gold for the battle Next Mission: レイダーの子供たち(その2) **&u(){レイダーの子供たち(その2)} -パン工房の建設 -クッキーを3つ焼く(パン工房) 報酬: 250 XP Next Mission: レイダーの子供たち(その3) **&u(){レイダーの子供たち(その3)} -レイダーの子供たちのあとを追え! 報酬: 50 XP Next Mission: 偵察車両の回収 **&u(){Raider v Raider} Available by Level 10 Warlord Gantas is harassing the Raider Kids. Help the Raider Kids! The Raider v Raider Kids encounter appears on the player's outpost. Reward: 700 XP Next Mission: Raiderlands **&u(){Raiderlands} Return to Defend the Raider Sanctuary Repel the Sanctuary Invaders! (6 groups) Reward: 300 XP and access to Raider Sanctuary and Warlord Gantas' hideouts on Campaign Character Screen Next Mission: Stirring up the Hornet's Nest, The Duelists **&u(){Stirring up the Hornet's Nest} Follow Kids to Gantas' Fortress Drag the Map to Scout Reward: No reward; this leads directly into the next mission. Next Mission: Fighting the First Hornet **&u(){Fighting the First Hornet} Follow Kids to Gantas' Fortress Defeat the Raider Patrol. Reward: 750 XP Next Mission: We Can Do It! **&u(){We Can Do It!} Build 3 Noisy Chainsaws Build 3 Jack Hammers Build 3 Arc Welders Reward: None. Next Mission: Driving the Raiders Back **&u(){Driving the Raiders Back} As of 2.1 Patch, mission becomes available before Level 15, which is the level requirement of the Vehicle Factory. Build 1 Vehicle Factory Reward: 50 XP* Next Mission: Vegetable Oil - Part 1 **&u(){Vegetable Oil - Part 1} Build 1 Field Grow 1 Sorghum Reward: 50 XP Next Mission: Vegetable Oil - Part 2 **&u(){Vegetable Oil - Part 2} Build a Boar Ranch Process Fuel at the Boar Pen - Plant-thru-Boar Fuel, 1 hour Reward: 1250 XP Next Mission: Take off the Training Wheels **&u(){Take off the Training Wheels} Train 1 Scout Bike Reward: 50 XP* **&u(){Home-cooked Recon} Requires Level 18 Train 1 Recon Reward: 1750 XP Next Mission: Attack Raider Supplies - Farm **&u(){レイダーの農場を攻撃 (Attack Raider Supplies - Farm)} -補給基地を襲撃 -レイダーの農場を攻撃 (x5) -レイダーの果樹園を攻撃 (x2) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: レイダーの防衛戦を突破せよ! & レイダーの貯蔵庫を攻撃 **&u(){レイダーの防衛戦を突破せよ! (Attack Raider Defenses)} -ガンタスの砦に戻る -レイダー監視塔を攻撃 (この任務は遂行せずにクエストは終了します) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: 駐屯所を叩け & コンクリート計画【[[Resources and You]]】 **&u(){レイダーの貯蔵庫を攻撃 (Attack Raider Supplies - Storehouses)} -補給基地を襲撃 -レイダーの貯蔵庫を4戸攻撃 (x4) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: レイダーの訓練キャンプを攻撃 **&u(){レイダーの訓練キャンプを攻撃 (Attack Raider Supplies - Training Camps} -補給基地を襲撃 -レイダーの訓練キャンプを5つ攻撃 (x5) Reward: 2500 XP **&u(){駐屯所を叩け (Attacking a Garrison)} -ガンタスの砦に戻る -レイダーのトレーニングキャンプを攻撃 Reward: 4000 XP Next Mission: The Imperial Rangers **&u(){油の木の下で (The Antepentultimate Push)} -油の木を探せ -油の木を攻撃 Note: レイダー農場に防御施設に囲まれた油の木があります。 防御施設の周囲を襲撃し侵略していき、油の木まで襲撃するとクリアです。 マリン攻防戦で手に入る、バズーカ隊やガントラックがあると楽です。 報酬: 6000 XP Next Mission: フロイドいわく、石炭は汚い **&u(){帰ってきたリコイル・リッジ (Rescue Recoil Ridge Redux)} アルコール工場を建てるクエストを終了させると出現。【[[Service of Goods]]】 -戻ってリコイルリッジを守る -リコイルリッジから侵入者を追い払え! (x3) The groups here are rich with high-level raiders like Brawlers, Champions, and Dust Walkers. You will get almost the full spread of hero units for the fight against Gantas, including Cassidy's deadly shooting skills. If you don't fight Gantas, he will remain around for you to kick for a while. Each of these battles also rewards 1000 XP and a Skull (chance?) in addition to the usual Gold. Reward: 1000 XP、各戦闘で1000 XP Next Mission: One Good Distillery Deserves Another **&u(){One Good Distillery Deserves Another} Turn-in 100 Iron Reward: 1750 XP Next Mission: Everyone Gets Drunk **&u(){Strange Bedfellows - Part 1} Sneak into Gantas' Fortress Defeat the Raider "Witnesses"! (3 Groups) For this quest you control three hero units; Perkins, and two Raiders, whose names are Zergel and Enver. One of them has a weapon not unlike Sheriff Colt's Shotgun, and you cannot add other units. Note: Once you defeat the three groups of "Witnesses", Gantas will taunt you to come out and the mission proceeds to the next phase. Next Mission: Strange Bedfellows - Part 2 **&u(){Strange Bedfellows - Part 2} You will have one final battle to take on, with Gantas and two Raider Bombard cannons in the back row, which will instantly kill any of the three hero units on the field. Don't take too long to fight, or you will wind up losing. Once you finish, you will be given three Skulls for winning. There is also a set of normal Raiders in the front row. You only need to kill the units in the front row, and the mission will be complete. After a long speech by Gantas telling you (in many more words) to just leave things be and get out of the area, you will get your reward. The group of NPCs will discuss matters, and finally suggest you keep working at building up forces and pushing where you can. Reward: 10000 XP Next Mission: A Plan Comes Together
*レイダー襲来 These quests are focused around the Raiders and how they interfere with the player's outpost's operation. The quests themselves weave in and out of focus, and don't always lead directly into the next one. Some quests have certain level requirements and other quest prerequisites. ---- #contents(fromhere) ---- **&u(){レイダーを追い払え} This is mostly just a tutorial for how range works in combat, and it is set against three Raider Grunts and a Raider Cannoneer. -レイダー偵察隊を叩く 報酬: 150 XP Next Mission:第2ラウンド開始! **&u(){第2ラウンド開始!} The battle here holds you against two Raider Grunts, two Raider Cannoneers, and Warlord Gantas. However, once his entourage is killed, Gantas will end the battle. Repel Warlord Gantas' "Visit" 報酬: 250 XP、戦闘で150 XP Next Mission:フロイドにトーチカを、手榴弾兵の育成 **&u(){再びリコイル・リッジへ} -リコイル・リッジに移動 Upon reaching Recoil Ridge, the player's army will be bolstered by the rest of the 95th Rifle Company. 報酬: 2 歩兵、1迫撃砲、1砲手、1突撃兵 Next Mission:助太刀いたす **&u(){助太刀いたす} -リコイル・リッジを訪問 -リコイル・リッジからレイダーを追い払う(x2) There are two groups of red-bordered Raider encounters. Village Raiders contain an easier group of Raiders, made easier with the inclusion of Sheriff Colt and Perkins. Gantas' Raiders has similar low-leveled Raiders, but includes Gantas himself, although unarmed. Lt Morgan and Ramsey join the player for this fight. Defeating all his troops will end this battle, but finishing off Gantas before defeating his troops will yield a nice bonus (228 SP, 1140 Gold). 報酬: 300 XP、300 XP(村にいるレイダーとのバトルで)、500 XP(ガンタスとのバトルで) A cinematic follows this mission, and introduces the NPC, Percival. Next Mission:実弾演習、パン工場の建設、偵察部隊を叩け、衛生兵! **&u(){偵察部隊を叩け} -レイダーを2回追い払う Raider groups called "Raider Scouts" appear, and tend to consist of a mix of Grunts and Cannon Recruits. 報酬: 250 XP、加えてバトルで10-50 XP **&u(){レイダーキッド?} Not a quest per se, but once the Bakery is up and running for the quest Build a Bakery, this encounter appears along the Outpost's borders. The Raiders are unarmed and are immune to Lt Morgan's attacks. Attacking them triggers the completion of this event. Reward: 250 XP (awarded discreetly), plus 50 Gold for the battle Next Mission: レイダーの子供たち(その2) **&u(){レイダーの子供たち(その2)} -パン工房の建設 -クッキーを3つ焼く(パン工房) 報酬: 250 XP Next Mission: レイダーの子供たち(その3) **&u(){レイダーの子供たち(その3)} -レイダーの子供たちのあとを追え! 報酬: 50 XP Next Mission: 偵察車両の回収 **&u(){Raider v Raider} Available by Level 10 Warlord Gantas is harassing the Raider Kids. Help the Raider Kids! The Raider v Raider Kids encounter appears on the player's outpost. Reward: 700 XP Next Mission: Raiderlands **&u(){Raiderlands} Return to Defend the Raider Sanctuary Repel the Sanctuary Invaders! (6 groups) Reward: 300 XP and access to Raider Sanctuary and Warlord Gantas' hideouts on Campaign Character Screen Next Mission: Stirring up the Hornet's Nest, The Duelists **&u(){Stirring up the Hornet's Nest} Follow Kids to Gantas' Fortress Drag the Map to Scout Reward: No reward; this leads directly into the next mission. Next Mission: Fighting the First Hornet **&u(){Fighting the First Hornet} Follow Kids to Gantas' Fortress Defeat the Raider Patrol. Reward: 750 XP Next Mission: We Can Do It! **&u(){We Can Do It!} Build 3 Noisy Chainsaws Build 3 Jack Hammers Build 3 Arc Welders Reward: None. Next Mission: Driving the Raiders Back **&u(){Driving the Raiders Back} As of 2.1 Patch, mission becomes available before Level 15, which is the level requirement of the Vehicle Factory. Build 1 Vehicle Factory Reward: 50 XP* Next Mission: Vegetable Oil - Part 1 **&u(){Vegetable Oil - Part 1} Build 1 Field Grow 1 Sorghum Reward: 50 XP Next Mission: Vegetable Oil - Part 2 **&u(){Vegetable Oil - Part 2} Build a Boar Ranch Process Fuel at the Boar Pen - Plant-thru-Boar Fuel, 1 hour Reward: 1250 XP Next Mission: Take off the Training Wheels **&u(){Take off the Training Wheels} Train 1 Scout Bike Reward: 50 XP* **&u(){Home-cooked Recon} Requires Level 18 Train 1 Recon Reward: 1750 XP Next Mission: Attack Raider Supplies - Farm **&u(){レイダーの農場を攻撃 (Attack Raider Supplies - Farm)} -補給基地を襲撃 -レイダーの農場を攻撃 (x5) -レイダーの果樹園を攻撃 (x2) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: レイダーの防衛戦を突破せよ! & レイダーの貯蔵庫を攻撃 **&u(){レイダーの防衛戦を突破せよ! (Attack Raider Defenses)} -ガンタスの砦に戻る -レイダー監視塔を攻撃 (この任務は遂行せずにクエストは終了します) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: 駐屯所を叩け & コンクリート計画【[[Resources and You]]】 **&u(){レイダーの貯蔵庫を攻撃 (Attack Raider Supplies - Storehouses)} -補給基地を襲撃 -レイダーの貯蔵庫を4戸攻撃 (x4) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: レイダーの訓練キャンプを攻撃 **&u(){レイダーの訓練キャンプを攻撃 (Attack Raider Supplies - Training Camps} -補給基地を襲撃 -レイダーの訓練キャンプを5つ攻撃 (x5) Reward: 2500 XP **&u(){駐屯所を叩け (Attacking a Garrison)} -ガンタスの砦に戻る -レイダーのトレーニングキャンプを攻撃 Reward: 4000 XP Next Mission: The Imperial Rangers **&u(){油の木の下で (The Antepentultimate Push)} -油の木を探せ -油の木を攻撃 Note: レイダー農場に防御施設に囲まれた油の木があります。 防御施設の周囲を襲撃し侵略していき、油の木まで襲撃するとクリアです。 マリン攻防戦で手に入る、バズーカ隊やガントラックがあると楽です。 報酬: 6000 XP Next Mission: フロイドいわく、石炭は汚い **&u(){帰ってきたリコイル・リッジ (Rescue Recoil Ridge Redux)} アルコール工場を建てるクエストを終了させると出現。【[[Service of Goods]]】 -戻ってリコイルリッジを守る -リコイルリッジから侵入者を追い払え! (x3) The groups here are rich with high-level raiders like Brawlers, Champions, and Dust Walkers. You will get almost the full spread of hero units for the fight against Gantas, including Cassidy's deadly shooting skills. If you don't fight Gantas, he will remain around for you to kick for a while. Each of these battles also rewards 1000 XP and a Skull (chance?) in addition to the usual Gold. Reward: 1000 XP、各戦闘で1000 XP Next Mission: One Good Distillery Deserves Another **&u(){One Good Distillery Deserves Another} Turn-in 100 Iron Reward: 1750 XP Next Mission: Everyone Gets Drunk **&u(){ちょっと変わった協力者たち(Strange Bedfellows - Part 1)} Sneak into Gantas' Fortress Defeat the Raider "Witnesses"! (3 Groups) For this quest you control three hero units; Perkins, and two Raiders, whose names are Zergel and Enver. One of them has a weapon not unlike Sheriff Colt's Shotgun, and you cannot add other units. Note: Once you defeat the three groups of "Witnesses", Gantas will taunt you to come out and the mission proceeds to the next phase. Next Mission: Strange Bedfellows - Part 2 **&u(){Strange Bedfellows - Part 2} You will have one final battle to take on, with Gantas and two Raider Bombard cannons in the back row, which will instantly kill any of the three hero units on the field. Don't take too long to fight, or you will wind up losing. Once you finish, you will be given three Skulls for winning. There is also a set of normal Raiders in the front row. You only need to kill the units in the front row, and the mission will be complete. After a long speech by Gantas telling you (in many more words) to just leave things be and get out of the area, you will get your reward. The group of NPCs will discuss matters, and finally suggest you keep working at building up forces and pushing where you can. Reward: 10000 XP Next Mission: A Plan Comes Together

