「To the Aid of Our Brothers」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

To the Aid of Our Brothers」(2013/01/05 (土) 22:37:12) の最新版変更点



**To the Aid of Our Brothers Sergeant Ramsey and Lieutenant Morgan are gearing up to head south to reinforce whatever Imperial troops remain. They find a fight more serious than they bargained for, but this is a deadly serious matter and they're serious about it. Seriously. Note: If you trained any units at the Prestigious Academy, you'll want to use them in the battles you face ahead. Allied Raider Dustwalker and Assassinater are recommended. If you trained the Saboteur in the special promotion, you'll finally find some use for him in these battles. >&bold(){To the Aid of Our Brothers} Head South using the World Map Engage the Rebel Forces! Reward: 3000 XP Next Mission: To the Aid of Our Brothers II >&bold(){To the Aid of Our Brothers II} Engage the rebel forces! This quest is in two parts, and you will see a Sniper and Heavy Tank during it. Reward: 3500 XP Next Mission: To the Aid of Our Brothers III >&bold(){To the Aid of Our Brothers III} [Note: Mission goals missing; please add when you find them.] Enter Trotbeck and take on the Rebel Forces; you will have three battles with plenty of obstacles keeping you back. Target your troubling units first and take out annoyances only after the rest is dead. If you have problems, Heavy Tanks with the researched Machine Guns can be a great asset. Reward: 3750 XP Next Mission: To the Aid of Our Brothers IV >&bold(){To the Aid of Our Brothers IV} Head further south on the World Map Steal Intel from 3 Frontier Rebel Camps Be aware the camps will have emplacements to protect them, and this can be a large challenge. Reward: 3750 XP Next Mission: To the Aid of Our Brothers V >&bold(){To the Aid of Our Brothers V} Defeat the Rebel Army This is a brutal four-part fight, culminating in a battle with artillery (two Tank Killers) behind cover and a Super Tank in front to take the hits. Bring heavy armored units, and something capable of shredding infantry fast. Snipers are recommended. Be preapred for a huge Hospital bill at the end Note: You do not have to win the battle in order to complete the mission. Losing the battle will still result in the mission's completion. Edit* b12345blue-Did the mission with only hero units, and lost, ending in the completion of the mission. Reward: 7000 XP Next Mission: Limping Home
*兄弟達を助けに (To the Aid of Our Brothers) Sergeant Ramsey and Lieutenant Morgan are gearing up to head south to reinforce whatever Imperial troops remain. They find a fight more serious than they bargained for, but this is a deadly serious matter and they're serious about it. Seriously. Note: If you trained any units at the Prestigious Academy, you'll want to use them in the battles you face ahead. Allied Raider Dustwalker and Assassinater are recommended. If you trained the Saboteur in the special promotion, you'll finally find some use for him in these battles. ---- #contents(fromhere) ---- **&u(){兄弟達を助けに (To the Aid of Our Brothers)} -地図で南に行く -反乱軍と戦う Note: モーガン、ラムジー、パーキンスが参戦。 報酬: 3000 XP (ランダム報酬の可能性もありますが戦闘でギアが手に入りました) Next Mission: 兄弟達を助けに2 **&u(){兄弟達を助けに2 (To the Aid of Our Brothers II)} -反乱軍と戦う Note: モーガン、ラムジー、パーキンスと共に2連戦。 報酬: 3500 XP (戦闘で鉄49個、ランダム報酬?) Next Mission: 兄弟達を助けに3 **&u(){兄弟達を助けに3 (To the Aid of Our Brothers III)} -トロットベックに忍び入る -帝国軍を救助 Note: モーガン、ラムジー、パーキンスと共に3連戦。 障害物と共に、重戦車やスナイパー、バズーカ隊、火竜などが出現します。 やっかいなユニットを優先的に倒すことが勝利のコツです。 重戦車のオートマチックが有効なようです。(米 wikiより) 報酬: 3750 XP Next Mission: 兄弟達を助けに4 **&u(){兄弟達を助けに4 (To the Aid of Our Brothers IV)} -地図からさらに南に行く -3つの反乱軍キャンプから情報を盗み出す Note: モーガン、ラムジー、パーキンスが参戦 3拠点共に敵に防御施設が登場します。 報酬: 3750 XP Next Mission: 兄弟達を助けに5 **&u(){兄弟達を助けに V (To the Aid of Our Brothers V)} -ハートランドへ行く -反乱軍を倒す Note: このクエストの戦闘は勝利する必要がありません。 イベントキャラだけで挑み、全滅すると話は進みます。(退却では進まない) 米wikiによると、4連戦で構成され、最終的には殺し屋戦車x2なども出現するようです。 報酬: 7000 XP Next Mission: 足を引きずっての帰還 ([[Rest and Recouperation]])

