「Sergeant Ramsey's Escapade」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Sergeant Ramsey's Escapade」(2013/01/23 (水) 01:25:26) の最新版変更点



**Sergeant Ramsey's Escapade The following quests follows Cassidy and Ramsey's exploits in the far south. >&bold(){Bad Attention} Available at Level 44 Go South to the Heartland Investigate the Rebel Camps (5 groups) The player will travel to the Heartland and fight Rebels in encounters called, Rebel Camp. The Rebel army are holed up pretty well behind defenses and have an assortment of tools to thwart the player's attempt to complete this mission. Ramsey aids the player in all of these battles. Reward: 4500 XP Next Mission: I Never Liked You Anyway >&bold(){I Never Liked You Anyway} Break through the Rebel defences The Rebel Defense battle appears in the Heartland. In this battle, Ramsey and 9 additional player units will fight two waves of enemies the second wave will have a super tank, which include numerous defensive structures, artillery, tanks and troops. Reward: 5000 XP Next Mission: >&bold(){Sergeant Ramsey's First Stand} Available at Level 40. Head South (to World Map: Heartland) Follow Ramsey's Tracks Upon reaching the Heartland, Cassidy will point out that there are signs of a struggle nearby. Examine the map for the "Signs of a Struggle" encounter. Ramsey will be facing multiple waves by himself (and is not likely to win). The mission is completed when Ramsey is defeated (retreating does not count). Reward: 2500 XP Next Mission: The Liberation of Sergeant Ramsey Note: This encounter remains available after completing the mission and receiving the mission reward. It is possible to later win the mission but it is very difficult. >&bold(){The Liberation of Sergeant Ramsey} Train Demolitionists (2) Reward: 2000 XP Next Mission: The Great Escapade The Great Escapade Edit Head South (to World Map: Heartland) Rescue Ramsey (at Rebel Base) Cassidy heads south to the Heartland to rescue Ramsey. He is located at a new location that appears called the Rebel Base. Cassidy must fight a couple of Rebel Guards encounters, with the aid of two Demolitionists. The 3rd encounter is a two-part battle. These added troops are not taken from the player's own army, so losing them does not cost the player anything. Note: Upon completion of this quest chain, Rebel Base will disappear from the World Map. Reward: ? (no mission reward window upon saving Ramsey) Next Mission: On the Run >&bold(){On the Run} Battle Your Way Past the Rebels There is only one battle, and the player takes control of Ramsey (basic version), Cassidy and two Demolitionists. This battle is fixed formation, so the player cannot adjust positions or add their own units. However, these "free" units do not count against the player, and the Demolitionists earn SP for the player. Reward: 2000 XP Next Mission: On the Run II >&bold(){On the Run II} Battle Your Way Past the Rebels Like the mission before this, the battle is fixed formation and consists of Ramsey (basic version), Cassidy, a Demolitionist and a Firedrake (supposedly operated by the other Demolitionist). Reward: 2000 XP Next Mission: On the Run III >&bold(){On the Run III} Battle Your Way Past the Rebels This is a three-part battle with a fixed formation and consists of Ramsey (basic version), Cassidy, a Demolitionist and a Firedrake. Reward: 2000 XP Next Mission: Homecoming >&bold(){Homecoming} Wipe out the Silver Wolf invaders The Silver Wolves have invaded Cassidy's town of Recoil Ridge en masse. Defeat the 4 mission-related encounters (red-bordered) to complete the mission. These battles include a variety of Frontier civilians and some characters. Reward: 4000 XP Next Mission: It's a Gas, Gas, Gas
*ラムジー軍曹の蛮勇 The following quests follows Cassidy and Ramsey's exploits in the far south. ---- #contents(fromhere) ---- **&u(){ラムジー軍曹の独り立ち (Sergeant Ramsey's First Stand)} レベル40で表示 -南を向かう (ゲーム側の誤字ですw) -ラムジーの足跡を追う Note: ハートランドに"もがきの形跡"が現れ、ラムジー1人で大量の敵と戦うことになります。 この戦闘は勝利する必要はなく、ラムジーが倒されることで話は進みます。(撤退では進まない) 報酬: 2500 XP Next Mission: ラムジー軍曹の解放 //Note: This encounter remains available after completing the mission and receiving the mission reward. It is possible to later win the mission but it is very difficult. **&u(){ラムジー軍曹の解放 (The Liberation of Sergeant Ramsey)} -解体師を育成 (x2) 報酬: 2000 XP Next Mission: The Great Escapade **&u(){大脱走 (The Great Escapade)} -南へ向かう -ラムジーの脱出 Note: ハートランドに出現する"反乱軍基地"内で キャシディーとゲスト扱いの解体師2名で3回の戦闘になります。 3回目の戦闘は2連続の戦いとなります。 報酬: 無し Next Mission: 逃げろ! **&u(){逃げろ! (On the Run)} -反乱軍と対決 Note: キャシディーとラムジー、ゲスト扱いの解体師2名で1回の戦闘になります。 報酬: 2000 XP Next Mission: On the Run II **&u(){逃げろ!2 (On the Run II)} -反乱軍と対決 Note: キャシディーとラムジー、ゲスト扱いの解体師と火竜で1回の戦闘になります。 報酬: 2000 XP Next Mission: On the Run III **&u(){逃げろ!3 (On the Run III)} -反乱軍と対決 Note: キャシディーとラムジー、ゲスト扱いの解体師と火竜で1回の戦闘になります。 3連続の戦いとなるので注意です。また"反乱軍基地"はクエストが終了すると地図から消えていまいます。 報酬: 2000 XP Next Mission: お出迎え **&u(){お出迎え (Homecoming)} -銀狼達の襲撃を一掃する Note: リコイルリッジに銀狼が4部隊出現します。 こちらの部隊は、コルト保安官等のゲスト、ゲスト扱いの一般兵および市民兵など多様なユニットでの編成になります。 報酬: 4000 XP Next Mission: ガス、ガス、ガス&庭に反乱軍【[[Rebels and Chemical Weapons]]】&開いててよかった!【[[Service of Goods]]】 **&u(){今度は捕まるな! (Bad Attention)} レベル44で表示 -南のハートランドに行く -反乱軍のキャンプを偵察 (x5) Note: 土嚢などの障害物を含む反乱軍ユニットとの戦闘です。全戦闘にラムジーが参戦します。 報酬: 4500 XP Next Mission: 始めから好きじゃなかった **&u(){始めから好きじゃなかった (I Never Liked You Anyway)} -反乱軍の防御を破る Note: ラムジーと自軍9ユニットで二連戦の戦闘です。 第一波には防御施設が多く登場し、第二波には強化戦車や破壊活動員などが登場します。 報酬: 5000 XP Next Mission: ?

