「Ramsey and Cassidy」の編集履歴(バックアップ)一覧はこちら

Ramsey and Cassidy」(2013/01/23 (水) 01:28:08) の最新版変更点



**Ramsey and Cassidy This quest chain involves Ramsey and Cassidy, and their romance for each other. >&bold(){Dinner For Two} "It's lucky I love hot dogs." — Cassidy Available at Level 42 Make Wine at the Distillery Make Dress Trenchcoat at the Uniform Factory Make two Hot Dogs at the Boar Pen Reward: 4000 XP Next Mission: Long Walks and Sunsets >&bold(){Long Walks and Sunsets} "I think I'll keep him." — Cassidy Shoot stuff Note: Upon starting this quest, a special encounter titled 'Chance for Romance' will appear on your land. During the 'battle', you control Cassidy, Ramsey, and Mr. Purrface. It is a numerous part fight you just have to shoot the targets that consist of Tin Cans, Test Dummies and super weak Mangy Rats, hiding behind Fallen Logs and Sandbags. Reward: 4000 XP, 1 Wood Next Mission: None
*ラムジーとキャシディー This quest chain involves Ramsey and Cassidy, and their romance for each other. ---- #contents(fromhere) ---- **&u(){2人でディナーを (Dinner For Two)} レベル42以上で表示 -アルコール工場でワインの製造 (x1) -制服工場で正装用コートを作成する (x1) -イノシシ牧場でイノシシドッグを作成する (x2) 報酬: 4000 XP Next Mission: 夕焼けの散歩 **&u(){夕焼けの散歩 (Long Walks and Sunsets)} -射撃を行う Note: 基地内に「ロマンスの予"缶"」が現れます。 報酬: 4000 XP Next Mission: None

