

icon Name Base Cost Description
Cursor 15 Autoclicks once every 10 seconds.
Grandma 100 A nice grandma to bake more cookies.
Farm 500 Grows cookie plants from cookie seeds.
Factory 3,000 Produces large quantities of cookies.
Mine 10,000 Mines out cookie dough and chocolate chips.
Bank 2,000,000 (beta)Generates cookies from interest.
Temple 28,000,000 (beta)Full of precious, ancient chocolate.
Wizard tower 420,000,000 (beta)Summons cookies with magic spells.
Shipment 40,000 Brings in fresh cookies from the cookie planet.
Alchemy Lab 200,000 Turns gold into cookies!
Portal 1,666,666 Opens a door to the cookieverse.
Time Machine 123,456,789 Brings cookies from the past, before they were even eaten.
Antimatter Condenser 3,999,999,999 Condenses the antimatter in the universe into cookies.
Prism 75,000,000,000 Converts light itself into cookies.


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最終更新:2014年08月25日 23:35