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  • 元の訳は、もしかすると、劇的に間違いだらけで、ほとんど意味が通じないかもしれないと思って、拙訳をのせました。 -- (名無しさん) 2014-11-18 11:18:28
  • 「中国人民解放軍のための性奴隷は80万人」 -- (名無しさん) 2015-08-21 22:34:19
  • Sex Slaves for Chinese Communist Army were as many as 800K Ladies! -- (mikii2007) 2015-08-21 22:37:34


"The number of sex slave for Chinese People's Liberation Army amounts 80 thousand"
修正 "Chinese Army's 800 Thousand Sex Slaves" Meika, journalist

Comfort woman for Chinese Communist Party and People's Liberation Army amounts, indeed, more than 80 thousand.
修正 In fact, there have been 800 thousand comfort women for Chinese Communist Party and People's Liberation Army.

Dozen years or so ago, a french expert made the investigation regarding 80's Chinese comfort women, and published the book in French and English.
修正 Some 10 years ago, one French resercher invatigated 80's comfort women's situation in China, and published it in French and English.

As soldiers of Chinese People's Liberation Army is almost single, they desired their marriage partner.
修正 Many of the soldiers were single wanting someone to mary.

However no women don't want to get married at all since they have to have agricultural job in a remote area if they get married to a mail of local Communist and People's Liberation Army.
修正 However, no women wanted to marry them since rulal house wives had to share their agricultural works.

Young women from around 15 to 20 age must have left home and work from city to village during certain term, in the age of Mao Tse-tung. It is known as "Decentralization".
修正 Under the rule of Mao Zedong, young women ranging about 15 to 20 years old were forced out of the cities and exiled to remote areas. It's called "Down-to-the-villages Movement."

There are more than 800,000 women who has been forcibly raped and made to work as a comfort women in the young women.
修正 Among these young women, as many as 800 thousand were raped and/or forced to work as comfort women.

When attempted rape is added, the number of the victim is said to be more than 8,000,000.
修正 Considering attempted rape, it says, over 8 million women were victimized.

I cordially thank to the french academian who revealed the fact. I was moved. The person is really wonderful.
修正 I sincerely appreciate this French scholar who revealed this fact. I was moved. This person is wonderful.

Chinese Communist Party lately begins to state "Japanese Army made Chinese women comfort ones" to conceal their stupid behavior.
修正 To distract the attention from what they have done, Communist China lately began to claim, "Imperial Japan forced sevral hundreds of thousands of Chinese women to work as comfort women.

We hear China intends to file material regarding comfort women as UNESCO Memory of the World Programme. Feel shame!
修正 I heard China intends to nominate the materials of "so-called" Imperial Japan's comfort women in China as UNESCO's Memory of the World. Shame on you, China!

How many Chinese young women had artificial miscarriages at that time by Chinese own rape and making them comfort women!
修正 Raping their own citizens, forcing them to be comfort women, how many young Chinese women, do they think, has China gotten them abortions?

Chinese government has never broadcast the number of the victim.
修正 China's government has never announced the number of the victims.

The country that is suffered the most dreadful "damage of comfort women" is Chinese women.
修正 The world worst victims of "comfort women system" have been these Chinese women.

For the first time I stated it in Japan, today.
修正 Today, I became the very first person who announced this fact in Japan.

So far Chinese government never supports to the decentralized women, never apologizes to them and pay compensation.
修正 So far, there have been no appologies, no supports, from Chinese government to these women. Many of them are suffering from its aftereffects.


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最終更新:2014年11月18日 11:36