Birds of Prey

Raptors have been sighted within the area, and are more than just a minor nuisance. Floyd and Lieutenant Morgan have plans on what to do about it, which diverges slightly when they actually manage to get their hands on some. This quest line begins upon reaching Level 6.

Birds of Prey - Part 1
Becomes available at Level 6.
Defeat the Raptors - 3 Encounters
The Raptor encounters will periodically appear, and defeating 3 of these will complete the mission.
Reward: 75 XP, plus 100 XP per battle
Next Mission: Birds of Prey - Part 2

Birds of Prey - Part 2
Build a Tool Shop
Build a Tranquilizer Gun
Reward: 400 XP
Next Mission: Birds of Prey - Part 3

Birds of Prey - Part 3
Defeat the Raptors (2 Groups)
Reward: 250 XP, 200 XP and 50 GP per group killed.
Next Mission: Birds of Prey - Part 4

Birds of Prey - Part 4
Build a Tool Shop
Build a Tracking Device - Tool Shop, 1 hour
Bug Warning: Do not attack groups in the "Raptor Nest" without progressing normally, or you may inadvertently cause the following mission to become unable to be completed.
28-03-2012 : don't panic if you killed all raptors ! they will reappear 24h (or more) later. you can go back there once you have the tracking device. the quest then goes on.
Reward: 500 XP
Next Mission: Birds of Prey - Part 5

Birds of Prey - Part 5
Visit the Raptor Nest
Capture the Raptors! (3 Groups)
Do not defeat the Raptors before you get to Birds of Prey - Part 5, or you may get stuck! For each Raptor fight you will have Floyd, Perkins, and one Unit of your choice.
Reward: There is no reward for this quest, as it leads right to the next part.
Next Mission: Birds of Prey - Part 6
28-03-12 : For purpose of killing the Raptors quickly, aim first at the biggest ones, which are the strongest, then have the small ones for dessert. If you have them, choose Hunter or Flame Troop (You receive 2 after a quest at level 11) to help out : both are more efficient against living meat. cocoboss

Birds of Prey - Part 6
Build a Raptor Ranch
Reward: 600 XP
Next Mission: Birds of Prey Part 7
28-03-12 : You'll have to fight 10 Raptor groups on your own territory before building the Ranch. They all appear in a few hours and most groups don't exceed 3 creatures. Be patient (and warn your friends to let them live for you), and remember to use Flame Trooper, Hunter and maybe Grenadier . cocoboss
Anyone else able to verify this change to the quest? Kereminde 15:08, March 28, 2012 (UTC)

Birds of Prey - Part 7
Make 1 order of Raptor Nuggets
Make 1 order of Buffalo Raptor Wings
Make 1 order of Raptor Tail Cutlet
Reward: 600 XP and a delicious meal for your troops


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