
The following set of missions was introduced in 2.1 Patch, introducing the player to Warlord Gantas' three lieutenants early in the story.
Each of these lieutenants also have their own World Map location, which becomes revealed when the player first meets each lieutenant.

Note that certain missions have high resource demands in order to complete, especially at low player levels.

First Raid

Available at Level ? (new mission chain)
Defeat Raiders on the World Map! (5 groups)
The Raiders (Level 10-15) appear close to their Training Camp, Depot and Fortress.
Reward: 800 XP
Next Mission: Assault and Battery

Assault and Battery

Go to the Raider Outpost
Fight the Raiders! (unlocks after completing the first part)
The player will be taken to Tronk's Base (Level 25), where the encounter, "Mortar Ambush", awaits.
The Northern Frontier World Map location, ''Tronk's Base'', becomes available.
Reward: 850 XP
Next Mission: Tronk Call

Tronk Call

Go to the Tronk's Base
Fight Tronk!
The player will face Tronk (level 15), but defeating Tronk is not required to complete the mission.
Reward: 900 XP
Next Mission: Poking and Prodding

突いて、突いて、突きまくれ (Poking and Prodding)

  • トロンクの本拠地へ行く
  • トロンクの鉄の山を襲撃する (x3)
報酬: 1,000 XP
Next Mission: 大砲を取り上げろ

大砲を取り上げろ (Taking Out the Big Guns)

  • トロンクの本拠地へ行く
  • トロンクの火薬庫を襲撃する (x1)
報酬: 850 XP
Next Mission: トロンクスマッシュ!

トロンクスマッシュ! (Tronk Smash!)

  • トロンクの本拠地へ行く
  • トロンクを倒す
Note: 13名のユニットで3連続の戦いとなります。
報酬: 1,500 XP、戦闘で5 ドクロ
Next Mission: パンクごときで

パンクごときで (A Minor Flat)

  • 道具工房を建設
  • パンク防止タイヤを作る (x4)
Note: タイヤのコストは、木:2000です。
報酬: 1,250 XP
Next Mission: スナイパー狩り

スナイパー狩り (Snipe Hunt)

  • 地図へ行く
  • レイダースナイパーを追い出す
Note: モーガン、パーキンスと自軍4ユニットでサリンと初戦闘です。
報酬: 1,500 XP
Next Mission: サリンのご紹介

サリンのご紹介 (Introducing: Sarin)

  • サリンの本拠地へ行く
  • サリンの勢力をやっつける!
Go to the Raider Outpost!
Defeat Sarin's forces!
The first objective is replaced by the second when the player goes to Sarin's Base.
Defeating the encounter, ''Raider Snipers'', completes the mission.
Strategy (by firebolt55439): Sarin has 3 Raider Outcasts, or Snipers as you may call them.
I have Grenadiers at rank 4, and have unlocked "Handful of Grenades", and with 2 "d01 Proto-Stalker" specimens,
you can defeat his forces with only a few Grenadier casualties.
Make the entire front row Grenadiers at rank 4, and the back row with 2 spaced out Proto-Stalkers (spaced out to avoid Radier Bombadiers).
Keep using handful of grenades and the Proto-Stalkers 2nd attack, and you should be able to defeat him quite quickly.
Reward: 2,000 XP
Next Mission: The Best Defense

The Best Defense

Go to Sarin's Base
Destroy Sarin's Watch Towers (3 towers)
Note: Some players report a bug in which this mission does not complete properly for them, no matter how many towers they destroy.
One workaround that has helped some people is to directly attack the damaged tower locations.
Destroying these watch towers are extremely hard because they have 580 hp/armor and can kill most units availible in 1 hit.
If you have completed the mission where you defeat Ashe's troops, use the two gun trucks and one bazooka you got to defeat the watch towers.
You can also rank up grenadiers to rank 4 and research the ability were you can throw 3 grinades at once.
It is recommended that you destroy the watch towers guarding the shelter near the back of the camp because you will eventually have to raid that shelter
Reward: 2,000 XP
Next Mission: Resource Management

Resource Management

Go to Sarin's Base
Attack Sarin's Coal Nodes (3 nodes)
Reward: 2,000 XP
Next Mission: Factory Factor

Factory Factor

Go to Sarin's Base
Attack Sarin's Weapon Storehouse
''Sarin's Guard'' must be defeated before the actual storehouse can be attacked for mission completion.
Reward: 1,500 XP
Next Mission: Rescue 911

Rescue 911

Go to Sarin's Base
Attack the Prison!
Lt Morgan and Ramsey have fallen for Sarin's trap and the player has to bust them out.
Reward: 1,750 XP
Next Mission: Que Sarin, Sarin

Que Sarin, Sarin

Go to Sarin's Base
Defeat Sarin!
Similar to the major confrontation against Tronk, the battle against Sarin is 3 consecutive waves where the player can field 13 units (every space on the battlefield).
Reward: 2,500 XP
Next Mission: An Enigma Wrapped in a Riddle

An Enigma Wrapped in a Riddle

Repel the Raider Infiltration! (2 groups)
The two encounters appear asRaiders, just like any other Raider invader.
However, they tend to consist of more Dust Walkers.
Reward: 3,000 XP
Next Mission: Chasing a Shadow

Chasing a Shadow

Follow the Raider to her base
Defeat the Raider Ambush!
The second objective replaces the first after the player goes to Blade's Base. The battle consists of 2 waves, and consists of numerous Dust Walkers.
Reward: 2,250 XP
Next Mission: Mirror, Mirror, Mirror, Mirror

Mirror, Mirror, Mirror, Mirror

Make 4 Giant Mirrors
Reward: 2,000 XP
Next Mission: Calling Out the Moonlight

Calling Out the Moonlight

Go to Crazy Blade's base
Defeat Crazy Blades!
Crazy Blades appears in this battle, but does not have to be defeated for mission completion.
Reward: 2,750 XP
Next Mission: The Fire This Time

The Fire This Time

Build a Guard Post
Reward: 2,000 XP
Next Mission: Like a Thief in the Night

Like a Thief in the Night

Go to Crazy Blades' base
Attack Crazy Blades' Oil (3 nodes)
Despite the mission graphic, the player only earns credit for raiding the untapped oil deposits, not the Oil Pumps on her base.
Reward: 3,000 XP
Next Mission: Dancing in the Moonlight

Dancing in the Moonlight

Go to Crazy Blades' base
Defeat Crazy Blades!
The third and final confrontation against the Raider Lieutenants allows the player to field 13 units (every space on the battlefield).
The battle consists of 3 waves and includes a lot of Dust Walkers.
The battle also awards the most Skulls of the 3 lieutenant major battles (7 Skulls).
Crazy blades has three attacks, one that is like a dustwalkers attack, one that can only target snipers and one that can only target tanks.
crazy blades can kill most snipers in one hit with her anti sniper attack and can peirce the armor of tanks pretty well with her anti tank attack. Be careful.
Reward: 3,500 XP
Next Mission: None as of 2.1.


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